God replied to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)
This is one of the most, if not the most, powerful Name of God! Why? Because it encompasses all His names, attributes, character. and works of God in it. You see, there is no end to who He is. He is everything, everywhere, and more than you and I could ever imagine.
When He says that He is Who He is, it’s like saying, “Look, I am from eternity to eternity the only Name that stands as All-Powerful and All Majestic, the Source of ALL you see and don’t see-past, present, and future. I am the Past; I am the Present, and I am the Future. The descriptions of who I am have no end because I AM GOD! I am the SON, and I am The HOLY SPIRIT.” Even more so, He is the definition of life, love, peace, abundance, forgiveness, joy, happiness … the list is endless.
We can say we have joy or happiness, and we might be right sometimes. When life brings pain or disappointment, sometimes our happiness dissipates while God continues to say, “I AM Happiness and I never stop, under any circumstances, to be the definition of happiness, or joy, or love, or peace.
Do you get it? He is integrity, always good, and He is ALL in Everything. So, this Name “I am Who I am” encompasses all of over 3,300 Names, His Names, Attributes, and Characteristics. Get to know "The I Am Who I Am.” It will blow your mind and cause a paradigm shift! The more you get to know Him, the better your will understand how He works in our lives. Life will be easier to live … especially during hard times. We process this better, by applying it to our daily living. It takes time to process who He is, but His Holy Spirit who is in us, reveals it to us bit by bit as we seek and allow Him into our challenging situations every day.
Make the I AM WHO I AM, your ALL in ALL of you. He wants to reveal Himself to you more than you can ever desire.
Embracing a Deeper Journey … with the Almighty I AM